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Post-operative Hypotony And Choroidal Effusion Following Cataract Surgery Suture Removal
Ocular hypotony can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to ocular inflammation, glaucoma filtration surgery, or trauma…
Traditional and Novel Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis
A 77-year-old male presented for a dry eye evaluation with symptoms of irritation that started in the right eye and then the left eye for at least four days…
Diplopia Detective
Welcome to the Journal of Medical Optometry’s Diplopia Detective, a series where we discuss interesting cases of diplopia using both a thoughtful…
A Classic Neuro-Ophthalmic ODDity From a Modern Perspective
A 65-year-old white male presented for routine evaluation and reported stable vision. The patient’s past medical history included hypertension…
PHOTO ESSAY: Just A Cutaneous Horn or Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
A 75-year-old white male presented to the eye clinic with the complaint of an eyelid growth on his left eye that had been present for approximately…
Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 3: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Clinical Decision-Making
in Part 3, we turn our focus to another, often overlooked, factor that influences clinical decision-making: the thorny topic of the pharmaceutical…
Editors Column November 2024
This issue welcomes a new recurring column: Diplopia Detective by Emily Carr. This issue highlights a case of complex diplopia case,, searching for…
Paradoxical Embolus from Patent Foramen Ovale Resulting in Transient Vision Loss
A 48-year-old African American female presented to the clinic with a history of two episodes of transient vision loss of the left eye, occurring the night…
Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cells are critical for maintaining the integrity of corneal epithelium. External insults, including contact lens overwear, can destroy the limbal…
Infectious Keratitis in a Neurotrophic Cornea
A 58-year-old female with a history of Sjogren’s syndrome presented to the emergency room with a recent history of redness and painless vision loss…
Post-operative Hypotony And Choroidal Effusion Following Cataract Surgery Suture Removal
Ocular hypotony can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to ocular inflammation, glaucoma filtration surgery, or trauma…
Traditional and Novel Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis
A 77-year-old male presented for a dry eye evaluation with symptoms of irritation that started in the right eye and then the left eye for at least four days…
Diplopia Detective
Welcome to the Journal of Medical Optometry’s Diplopia Detective, a series where we discuss interesting cases of diplopia using both a thoughtful…
A Classic Neuro-Ophthalmic ODDity From a Modern Perspective
A 65-year-old white male presented for routine evaluation and reported stable vision. The patient’s past medical history included hypertension…
PHOTO ESSAY: Just A Cutaneous Horn or Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
A 75-year-old white male presented to the eye clinic with the complaint of an eyelid growth on his left eye that had been present for approximately…
Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 3: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Clinical Decision-Making
in Part 3, we turn our focus to another, often overlooked, factor that influences clinical decision-making: the thorny topic of the pharmaceutical…
Editors Column November 2024
This issue welcomes a new recurring column: Diplopia Detective by Emily Carr. This issue highlights a case of complex diplopia case,, searching for…
Paradoxical Embolus from Patent Foramen Ovale Resulting in Transient Vision Loss
A 48-year-old African American female presented to the clinic with a history of two episodes of transient vision loss of the left eye, occurring the night…
Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cells are critical for maintaining the integrity of corneal epithelium. External insults, including contact lens overwear, can destroy the limbal…
Infectious Keratitis in a Neurotrophic Cornea
A 58-year-old female with a history of Sjogren’s syndrome presented to the emergency room with a recent history of redness and painless vision loss…
Post-operative Hypotony And Choroidal Effusion Following Cataract Surgery Suture Removal
Ocular hypotony can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to ocular inflammation, glaucoma filtration surgery, or trauma…
Traditional and Novel Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis
A 77-year-old male presented for a dry eye evaluation with symptoms of irritation that started in the right eye and then the left eye for at least four days…
Diplopia Detective
Welcome to the Journal of Medical Optometry’s Diplopia Detective, a series where we discuss interesting cases of diplopia using both a thoughtful…
A Classic Neuro-Ophthalmic ODDity From a Modern Perspective
A 65-year-old white male presented for routine evaluation and reported stable vision. The patient’s past medical history included hypertension…
PHOTO ESSAY: Just A Cutaneous Horn or Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
A 75-year-old white male presented to the eye clinic with the complaint of an eyelid growth on his left eye that had been present for approximately…
Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 3: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Clinical Decision-Making
in Part 3, we turn our focus to another, often overlooked, factor that influences clinical decision-making: the thorny topic of the pharmaceutical…
Editors Column November 2024
This issue welcomes a new recurring column: Diplopia Detective by Emily Carr. This issue highlights a case of complex diplopia case,, searching for…
Paradoxical Embolus from Patent Foramen Ovale Resulting in Transient Vision Loss
A 48-year-old African American female presented to the clinic with a history of two episodes of transient vision loss of the left eye, occurring the night…
Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cells are critical for maintaining the integrity of corneal epithelium. External insults, including contact lens overwear, can destroy the limbal…
Infectious Keratitis in a Neurotrophic Cornea
A 58-year-old female with a history of Sjogren’s syndrome presented to the emergency room with a recent history of redness and painless vision loss…
Post-operative Hypotony And Choroidal Effusion Following Cataract Surgery Suture Removal
Ocular hypotony can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to ocular inflammation, glaucoma filtration surgery, or trauma…
Traditional and Novel Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis
A 77-year-old male presented for a dry eye evaluation with symptoms of irritation that started in the right eye and then the left eye for at least four days…
Diplopia Detective
Welcome to the Journal of Medical Optometry’s Diplopia Detective, a series where we discuss interesting cases of diplopia using both a thoughtful…
A Classic Neuro-Ophthalmic ODDity From a Modern Perspective
A 65-year-old white male presented for routine evaluation and reported stable vision. The patient’s past medical history included hypertension…
PHOTO ESSAY: Just A Cutaneous Horn or Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
A 75-year-old white male presented to the eye clinic with the complaint of an eyelid growth on his left eye that had been present for approximately…
Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 3: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Clinical Decision-Making
in Part 3, we turn our focus to another, often overlooked, factor that influences clinical decision-making: the thorny topic of the pharmaceutical…
Editors Column November 2024
This issue welcomes a new recurring column: Diplopia Detective by Emily Carr. This issue highlights a case of complex diplopia case,, searching for…
Paradoxical Embolus from Patent Foramen Ovale Resulting in Transient Vision Loss
A 48-year-old African American female presented to the clinic with a history of two episodes of transient vision loss of the left eye, occurring the night…
Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cells are critical for maintaining the integrity of corneal epithelium. External insults, including contact lens overwear, can destroy the limbal…
Infectious Keratitis in a Neurotrophic Cornea
A 58-year-old female with a history of Sjogren’s syndrome presented to the emergency room with a recent history of redness and painless vision loss…
Post-operative Hypotony And Choroidal Effusion Following Cataract Surgery Suture Removal
Ocular hypotony can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to ocular inflammation, glaucoma filtration surgery, or trauma…
Traditional and Novel Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis
A 77-year-old male presented for a dry eye evaluation with symptoms of irritation that started in the right eye and then the left eye for at least four days…
Diplopia Detective
Welcome to the Journal of Medical Optometry’s Diplopia Detective, a series where we discuss interesting cases of diplopia using both a thoughtful…
A Classic Neuro-Ophthalmic ODDity From a Modern Perspective
A 65-year-old white male presented for routine evaluation and reported stable vision. The patient’s past medical history included hypertension…
PHOTO ESSAY: Just A Cutaneous Horn or Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
A 75-year-old white male presented to the eye clinic with the complaint of an eyelid growth on his left eye that had been present for approximately…
Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 3: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Clinical Decision-Making
in Part 3, we turn our focus to another, often overlooked, factor that influences clinical decision-making: the thorny topic of the pharmaceutical…
Editors Column November 2024
This issue welcomes a new recurring column: Diplopia Detective by Emily Carr. This issue highlights a case of complex diplopia case,, searching for…
Paradoxical Embolus from Patent Foramen Ovale Resulting in Transient Vision Loss
A 48-year-old African American female presented to the clinic with a history of two episodes of transient vision loss of the left eye, occurring the night…
Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cells are critical for maintaining the integrity of corneal epithelium. External insults, including contact lens overwear, can destroy the limbal…
Infectious Keratitis in a Neurotrophic Cornea
A 58-year-old female with a history of Sjogren’s syndrome presented to the emergency room with a recent history of redness and painless vision loss…
Post-operative Hypotony And Choroidal Effusion Following Cataract Surgery Suture Removal
Ocular hypotony can occur for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to ocular inflammation, glaucoma filtration surgery, or trauma…
Traditional and Novel Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis
A 77-year-old male presented for a dry eye evaluation with symptoms of irritation that started in the right eye and then the left eye for at least four days…
Diplopia Detective
Welcome to the Journal of Medical Optometry’s Diplopia Detective, a series where we discuss interesting cases of diplopia using both a thoughtful…
A Classic Neuro-Ophthalmic ODDity From a Modern Perspective
A 65-year-old white male presented for routine evaluation and reported stable vision. The patient’s past medical history included hypertension…
PHOTO ESSAY: Just A Cutaneous Horn or Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
A 75-year-old white male presented to the eye clinic with the complaint of an eyelid growth on his left eye that had been present for approximately…
Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 3: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Clinical Decision-Making
in Part 3, we turn our focus to another, often overlooked, factor that influences clinical decision-making: the thorny topic of the pharmaceutical…
Editors Column November 2024
This issue welcomes a new recurring column: Diplopia Detective by Emily Carr. This issue highlights a case of complex diplopia case,, searching for…
Paradoxical Embolus from Patent Foramen Ovale Resulting in Transient Vision Loss
A 48-year-old African American female presented to the clinic with a history of two episodes of transient vision loss of the left eye, occurring the night…
Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Limbal stem cells are critical for maintaining the integrity of corneal epithelium. External insults, including contact lens overwear, can destroy the limbal…
Infectious Keratitis in a Neurotrophic Cornea
A 58-year-old female with a history of Sjogren’s syndrome presented to the emergency room with a recent history of redness and painless vision loss…